2023年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 23·JD·英语-GS 英语(十二) 答案

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2023年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 23·JD·英语-GS 英语(十二) 答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2023年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 23·JD·英语-GS 英语(十二) 答案得系列试题及其答案,更多全国100所名校单元测试示范卷试题及答案,请关注微信公众号:考不凡


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2、2023年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 23·JD·英语-GS 英语(十二) 答案

3、2023届100所名校高考模拟金典卷 23新教材老高考
【答案】One possible version:

Dear Mr Smith,

Having learned that the English Drama Club is recruitingnew members,I am writing to you to apply to join it.I have beeninterested in performing since my childhood.I have also readmost of Shakespeare's plays,which fascinate me greatly.Be-sides,I am good at spoken English because I always practicespeaking with native speakers at our school's English corner.Iwon the first prize in the Speech Contest of our school last year.

I expect to put my talent to good use by performing withother club members.I hope to be given such a chance.

Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

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